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>> Statement: [Page 99]

Wright claims “His restless leg would be jiggling as his hand raced across the page, faultlessly, in handsome, legible script.

For other writing, he turned back to his typewriter. “I think he was doing automatic writing,” said Jim Dincalci, one of his medical officers. “The pages would be flying. When he came out of it, he would blink his eyes, as if coming awake, and he did this thing with the lips, smacking.”

>> True Information: Mr. Starkey, former Captain of the Apollo and close friend of Mr. Hubbard, wrote: “These statements from Jim Dincalci, an embittered apostate, is typical of Mr. Wright’s irresponsibility. He accepts, and dumps into his book, vicious lies from someone who hated Mr. Hubbard with a passion. First of all, Mr. Hubbard never used a typewriter aboard the Apollo—all of his writing was done by hand or dictated. I spent hundreds of hours with Mr. Hubbard and I never saw him “jiggle” his leg. I can assure you Mr. Hubbard never blinked his eyes or smacked his lips as Mr. Wright reports. The hatred permeates these nasty, untruthful jibes.”